You can tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk by looking at the nappies…
Day 1: 0-24 hours old
Babies will have about ½ a teaspoon of colostrum at each feed. You can expect to see:
- Sticky green black poo
- 1+ wet nappy
Day 2: 24-48 hours
Babies will have about 1 teaspoon of colostrum each feed. You can expect to see:
- Soft green-black poo
- 2+ wet nappies
Day 3: 48-72 hours
Breast milk supply is increasing. You can expect to see:
- Greenish-brown, less sticky poo
- 3+ wet nappies
Day 4: 72-96 hours
You can expect to see:
- Poos become lighter greenish-brown or mustard-yellow with a seedy or watery consistency.
- If there are 3 or less poos, check with a health professional as your baby may not be getting enough milk.
- 4+ wet nappies
Day 5: 96+ hours
Breast milk supply increases to 500-800ml per day. You can expect to see:
- Mostly mustard-yellow, soft or liquid poo 4 or more times every 24 hours.
- 5+ wet nappies
Day 6 onwards:
Expect to see 6-8 clear wet (not strong-smelling or yellow stained) nappies in 24 hours. If using disposable nappies, expect at least 5 heavy, wet nappies every 24 hours. Breastfed babies have about 4 poos in 24 hours until about 6 weeks old. Formula-fed baby’s stools are generally more formed and less frequent. They look like yellow paste or play-doh. Although bowel movements may be less frequent than a breastfed baby, a poo should be passed every day or every second day to avoid constipation.